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Montag 19. Mai 2025 @ 19:30 22:00

Best Live Music in The Pub Surfer Joe One of the Biggest Names in Modern Surf Music
Best Live Music in The Pub
Surfer Joe
One of the Biggest Names in Modern Surf Music

Surfer Joe has been involved in the surf music scene since the middle of the 90s, building up his name worldwide as a musician and event organizer. By currently playing more than a hundred concerts a year around the world, Surfer Joe is among the most active artists in modern surf music. In addition to participating in the most important surf-related events around the world, including festivals in the USA and all over Europe, and being mentioned or interviewed in books and movies about the genre, he has released 7 LP, 3 EPs and 5 singles. His recordings have also appeared on over 9 compilation releases.

Surfer Joe represents the true, authentic side of surf music, carrying on the sound and energy legacy of the original early 60s California bands, while introducing his own unique style. His compositions are very melodic, easily recognizable, memorable and accessible to any kind of audience. Many of the songs feel so familiar upon first listen that they are commonly referred to as “instant classics”.

On stage, Surfer Joe likes to tell stories and anecdotes, and keeps the interaction with the audience personal and funny. He has plenty of material to draw from, as he has personally performed and interacted with many of the legends of the genre at several of the most important original locations and venues. All this, together with being the co-organizer of the Surfer Joe Summer Festival – the most revered surf music event of the world – gained Surfer Joe the unofficial title of “international surf music ambassador”.

Surfer Joe: NEW VIDEO
TV show on PBS (USA) recorded live in Ferndale, CA

Surfer Joe on YouTube

Live at Campus JAX in Long Beach (USA) unique show together with The Surfaris

Live at Hi-Tide Summer Holiday 2023 (USA)

Live in Kyoto (Japan)

SESC (Brazil) live TV

Surfer Joe Summer Festival 2019 (Italy)

Featured artist for Tiki Oasis on KUSI news “Good Morning San Diego” 2022

Best Live Music in the English Pub

Wenn du Live-Musik liebst, dann ist The Shakespeare Pub genau das Richtige für dich! Jeden Freitag und Samstag [auch in der Woche, siehe Termine hier] stehen bei uns Live-Bands, Singer Songwriter jeder Art, auf der Bühne. Komm und genieße Live-Musik in einer entspannten, aber dennoch fröhlichen Atmosphäre mit Guten Biere und Leckerem Essen.

Der Shakespeare Pub ist die perfekte Live-Musik-Kneipe für deinen Wochenendausflug. Genieße Live-Unterhaltung und ein Abendessen mit Freunden oder mach es zu einem unvergesslichen Abend! Was du auch immer wählst, mach dich bereit für ein großartiges Live-Musik-Erlebnis.

Worauf wartest du also noch? Markiere deinen Kalender und komm zu uns ins The Shakespeare Pub für Live-Musik jeden Freitag- und Samstagabend. Bis bald!

Save the date – Live-Musik im Shakespeare Pub!

Free Eintritt Frei — es geht ein Hut für die Musiker rum.

+49 (0)2330 12676

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The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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