Live Music, Tastings and other Events!
“I like this place and could willingly waste my time in it.”
― William Shakespeare
“There’s a time for all things”
William Shakespeare
An English Pub with Great Beer, Good Food and Live Music.
An English Pub has an important social function — it is a meeting place, somewhere to relax, a place where people eat, drink, talk and listen to Live Music or play games.
The Shakespeare Pub in Herdecke is now Open „Eight Days a Week“. It is easy to find in the middle of the pedestrian zone:
The Shakespeare Pub, Hauptstraße 38, 58313 Herdecke.
The Shakespeare Pub in Herdecke
Yes, an English Pub serves an important social function for many. It is more than just a place to eat and drink. It provides a communal gathering place for friends and strangers alike to socialise and relax. People come to the pub to share stories, enjoy live music, play games, or to simply chat about the day’s events.
The atmosphere of a Pub is unlike any other place and provides something for everyone, making it an important part of many people’s lives. People need people.
The Shakespeare Pub is certainly no exception and is a welcome addition to Herdecke. With its cozy and inviting atmosphere, open „Eight Days a Week“ and offering good food and a wide range of local Craft Beers, it is the perfect place to come and relax with friends or to simply sit and absorb the atmosphere. „I love this Pub. Come as you are„.
Alle Events ↗
The Shakespeare Pub, Herdecke. Regelmäßig the Best Live Music, Tastings und andere Events.
Whisky & Bier Brand:
Exklusives Seminar
Tauche dich ein in die Welt des Whiskys und (Stotts) Bier Brand: Exklusives Seminar in der Destillerie!
Pubs are the communal living room. We need these spaces for young and old.
The Shakespeare Pub, Herdecke
People need People

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Ihr findet darin viele Infos und Geschichten zu Ereignissen im Pub und in der Region, ebenso viel Wissenswertes zu neuen Produkten und besonderen Aktionen.
Natürlich gibt es auch eine Übersicht zu den wichtigsten Veranstaltungen und Terminen.
Die „Cheers!” erscheint zwei bis viermal im Jahr und kann im Pub erworben werden.

Pubs bringen Menschen zusammen. Ein offenes Wohnzimmer für Jung und Alt. Denn Gesellschaft macht uns glücklich — People need People
The Shakespeare Pub, Herdecke
Ruf an! ☎ 02330 12676
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Fragen per E-Mail

Guinness-Engpass? Nicht im The Shakespeare Pub!
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Happy New Year!
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Bald was neues… zwei neue Biere kommen in Kürze
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