“It is so good to see you, welcome back!”

„It is so good to see you, welcome back!“

Hello, I’m Nathaniel – please can you remind me how to make small talk again?”

Nathaniel, The Shakespeare Pub

The small things in life make the biggest difference. Your smile. A friends’ laughter. And the art of making small talk with the people we meet at the Pub.

After a year of restricted contacts and isolation, it is time to rediscover the art of making small talk — real conversations and laughter in the Communal living room. Your Pub.

How we (used) to talk about the weather, sport and beer. Or laugh at each other’s jokes and share the latest news about work, travel plans and the book I am reading. And did you see that Film in Onikon?

Please put away your phone and join the real conversation!

Have I forgotten how to make small talk? Have you? Chatting will take on its old and familiar character and perhaps a new twist as we get back together. It will not take long to regain the flow of sharing stories and laughing with friends.

I have so much to be thankful for, but most of all, for the conversations with strangers, friends and loved ones alike. We have all survived and grown in a bewildering and sometimes confusing time, on good company and love.

Listen carefully, then we can begin to learn how to make small talk again.

It is so good to see you, welcome back!



The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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