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The Shakespeare Pub, Herdecke. Regelmäßig the Best Live Music, Tastings und andere Events.

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Jim Bows & The Flycatchers

Dienstag 11. April 2023 @ 19:30 22:00

Jim Bows & The Flycatchers play original acoustic “Toe tapping music that makes you feel good” influenced by American Folk, Bluegrass and Country traditions.

This is a family band. Jim, Bensch & Josh are all multi-instrumentals changing effortlessly between, guitar, dobro, mandolin and bass, Watch their fingers fly as they play and sing their own brand of toe tapping feel good music.

Catch up with the latest social media posts here:

+49 (0)2330 12676

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Hauptstraße 38
Herdecke, 58313 Deutschland
02330 12676
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Pubs bringen Menschen zusammen.
Ein offenes Wohnzimmer für Jung und Alt.
Denn Gesellschaft macht uns glücklich
— People need People.“

“Pubs are the communal living room.
We need these spaces for young and old.
People need People.”

The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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