Social distancing has reminded us what a crucial role touch plays in our wellbeing – a sense often taken for granted. A simple hug or even a handshake is no longer the norm. When was the last time that you hugged your friends or touched someone’s hand?

So many senses are more dominantly featured in our daily lives, like hearing, sight, smell and taste, yet touch remains underestimated, it is like a deep hunger when absent in our lives — “Skin Hunger” is a term used by Psychologists to describe touch’s absence.

Hugging has become a constant companion in our daily social lives — releasing endorphins in the unspoken language of our bodies. Touch is the first comforting gesture at birth and remains a guide throughout our lives. It is a universal language, basic but at the same time provides us proof and a reminder of being alive.

Entering a Pub should be like walking into a Hug:

the whole place just envelopes and welcomes you.

The Shakespeare Pub · Herdecke

Entering a Pub should be like walking into a Hug: the whole place just envelopes and welcomes you. Come into the communal Livingroom, it’s not mine but ours, where all are welcome.



The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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