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Veranstaltungsserie Veranstaltungsserie: Speakers‘ Corner

Speakers‘ Corner

Dienstag 10. Dezember 2024 @ 19:00 21:00

Best place to talk in the English Pub Speakers' Corner English (only) Please or "As you like it…"
Best place to talk in the English Pub
Speakers’ Corner English (only) please or “As you like it…”

English (only) Please
Or As you like it…

Come and join the English conversation in Herdecke.

Everyone is welcome, no matter how terrible you think your English is, we are here to meet you and help get over the hangups. Simply put:

come on over and join the conversation!”

Speakers‘ Corner

Same procedure as last year!

We meet every second Tuesday of the Month in The Shakespeare Pub, Herdecke from 7:00 P.M. just pop in for a chat in English.

Just my Cup of Tea or Beer if you prefer

Yes we serve the very best of English Tea (with milk of course, but only if you insist). Otherwise what about a good cup of Coffee?

Or maybe just a good old Pint of Beer in the English Pub in Herdecke.

Auf Englisch unterhalten: You are Welcome!

Alle, die Lust haben sich auf Englisch zu unterhalten sind herzlich willkommen!

English for Runaways
Englisch für Fortgeschrittene

Jeden zweiten Dienstag im Monat ab 19:00 Uhr im The Shakespeare.

Jeder ist herzlich willkommen!

Free Eintritt frei

+49 (0)2330 12676

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Hauptstraße 38
Herdecke, 58313 Deutschland
02330 12676
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Pubs bringen Menschen zusammen.
Ein offenes Wohnzimmer für Jung und Alt.
Denn Gesellschaft macht uns glücklich
— People need People.“

“Pubs are the communal living room.
We need these spaces for young and old.
People need People.”

The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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