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The Shakespeare Pub, Herdecke. Regelmäßig the Best Live Music, Tastings und andere Events.

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Solana The Artist

Freitag 8. Dezember 2023 @ 19:30 22:00

Live Music in the English Pub Solana The Artist ☀ Soulful Sounds & Vocal Art ☀
Live Music in the English Pub
Solana The Artist ☀ Soulful Sounds & Vocal Art ☀

Live Music im The Shakespeare Pub jeden Freitag und Samstag!

☀ Soulful Sounds & Vocal Art ☀

Solana The Artist is an international Vocal Artist, Musician and Mentor.
Through the universal language of Sound, and her multifaceted expression of it, Solana takes her listeners on a journey that explores a range of emotion, often leaving people feeling elevated and inspired.

Her written songs as well as intuitively weaved creations are soulful, leaning towards Neo Soul, RnB/Jazz, with influences of world music with a blend of ancient middle eastern inspired song lines or primal/non-linguistic vocals, creating a unique sound using her Voice, the Acoustic guitar, and sometimes the Westafrican Calabash Drum and a Loop station.

Live Music in the English Pub

special Guest
Live Music in the English Pub
ROUGHHOUSE · Special Guest

ROUGHHOUSE – special Guest

Roughhouse is a dynamic, multi-talented Reggae-Artist and Singer-Songwriter 
from Manchester Jamaica based in Germany. 

From Manchester, Jamaica to Dortmund, Germany, Keith ‘Roughhouse’ Powell has emerged as a dynamic, multi-talented performer in the music industry. His father, Keith Powell Snr, played guitar for reggae legends Dennis Brown and with Lloyd Parks & We The People Band, and hence the young Powell was born into music. His first instrument was the bass, which his father taught him and over the years he learned on his own to mastery level, the percussions, and the guitar.

Best Live Music in the English Pub

Wenn du Live-Musik liebst, dann ist The Shakespeare Pub genau das Richtige für dich! Jeden Freitag und Samstag [auch in der Woche, siehe Termine hier] stehen bei uns Live-Bands, Singer Songwriter jeder Art, auf der Bühne. Komm und genieße Live-Musik in einer entspannten, aber dennoch fröhlichen Atmosphäre mit Guten Biere und Leckerem Essen.

Der Shakespeare Pub ist die perfekte Live-Musik-Kneipe für deinen Wochenendausflug. Genieße Live-Unterhaltung und ein Abendessen mit Freunden oder mach es zu einem unvergesslichen Abend! Was du auch immer wählst, mach dich bereit für ein großartiges Live-Musik-Erlebnis.

Worauf wartest du also noch? Markiere deinen Kalender und komm zu uns ins The Shakespeare Pub für Live-Musik jeden Freitag- und Samstagabend. Bis bald!

Save the date – Live-Musik im Shakespeare Pub!

Free Eintritt Frei — es geht ein Hut für die Musiker rum.

+49 (0)2330 12676

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Denn Gesellschaft macht uns glücklich
— People need People.“

“Pubs are the communal living room.
We need these spaces for young and old.
People need People.”

The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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