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Roughhouse Live

Samstag 20. November 2021 @ 19:30 22:00

Roughhouse – Live in Herdecke

Keith ‘Roughhouse’ — Autumn special in Herdecke

Peace and Inspiration in The Shakespeare, Herdecke: an indoor, Living room Concert with Roughhouse, with deep spiritual moment Music, performing live in Herdecke.

„Remember Those Days“

This song is talking about the days when people could go out and have a good time without having to worry about being attack.

The song is also depicting how the younger people use to show respect to the elders in comparison with what’s going on today.

Produced by: Keith Roughhouse Powell

Keith ‘RougHHouse’ Powell

From Manchester, Jamaica to Dortmund, Germany, Keith ‘Roughhouse’ Powell has emerged as a dynamic, multi-talented performer in the music industry. His father, Keith Powell Snr, played guitar for reggae legends Dennis Brown and with Lloyd Parks & We The People Band, and hence the young Powell was literally born into music.

We love what we do, we live this passion everyday“

Keith ‘RougHHouse‘

His first instrument was the bass, which his father taught him and over the years he learnt on his own to mastery level, the percussions and the guitar.

In 2000 Roughhouse journeyed to Germany on vacation, where he met Sierra Leonean-German singer-songwriter, Patrice, who recognized his talents and soon offered him a contract.

Settling in the city of Dortmund, Roughhouse through the collaboration with Patrice had an opportunity to work with other musicians- forming and leading the bands ‘Rhaatid’ and ‘Tsunami’ and also producing music with recording artists from Germany like D-Flame (“Unaufhaltsam“, 2003), Uwe Banton (“Jah Roots“, 2006), Nosliw (“Mittendrin“, 2007), Gentleman (“Another Intensity“, 2007), Samy Deluxe (“TNT, 2008 / “Dis wo ich herkomm“, 2009 / “Bis die Sonne rauskommt“, 2009 / “Dis wo ich herkomm LIVE“, 2010 / “Schwarzweiss“, 2011), Max Herre (“Max Herre“, 2009), Die Fantastischen Vier (“Vier“, 2009).

Roughhouse – Live in Herdecke 20. November

Roughhouse provides musical support for touring Jamaican Acts in Europe such as Tarrus Riley, Junior Kelly, Ken Boothe, and President Brown. As the musical director touring with Jamaican artiste, Andru Donalds Roughhouse is afforded the experience of performing at festivals like Summer Jam, Chiemsee Reggae, Splash Hip-Hop-Festival, Rock am Ring, Rock am Park and many more famous events in Europe and Russia.

RougHHouse has released several albums

Always the entrepreneur, Roughhouse became co-CEO of the independent record label “MPerium Records” in 2013, under which he and the founder Michael Peukert aka“MicRoyal” produced and released hip-hop/rap, reggae, acoustic and pop music genre.

Our Past, Present and Future are all happening at once

Ever true to the words ‘Our Past, Present and Future are all happening at once’ Roughhouse lives in each moment. This freedom allows his charismatic, creative and artistic abilities to always be his drivers for success.

Hauptstraße 38
Herdecke, 58313 Deutschland
02330 12676
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The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

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