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Rollingexile 🎶 BEST LIVE MUSIC

Dienstag 20. August 2024 @ 19:30 22:00

Best Live Music in the English Pub Rollingexile Charlie Hallinan European Tour 2024
Best Live Music in the English Pub
Charlie Hallinan European Tour 2024

Charlie Hallinan began his musical journey in Dublin in the late seventies.

Charlie played with several bands in Dublin, including The School Kids and the legendary Berlin. 

During an Irish tour in 1979 Charlie deputised for Larry Mullins, playing several gigs with U2. It was an exciting time for Irish rock musicians.

Charlie appears in several published books covering that period of Irish Rock including “Where The Streets Have Two Names” by renowned U2 photographer Patrick Brocklebank.

“The late ‘70s saw the height of the punk rock movement. Irish bands such as Dublin’s The Radiators From Space, The Boom town Rats, Berlin, The Blades and The Vipers w ere in the midst of the new genre…” —Irish Rock

After the break up of Berlin in 1981, Charlie moved to London. During this time, his friend Matthew Ashman, from Adam & The Ants / Bow Wow Wow, encouraged him into the studio and produced & played guitar on his first selfcomposed recording “Move On”.

Having taken a break from the music business, Charlie returned to perform in 2010 supporting The Boomtown Rats (Roberts & Crowe) on their European Tour, playing across Germany and The Netherlands to appreciative audiences.

Returned to London after the tour he started writing new material and performing solo gigs around the UK.

Intending to create a solo acoustic album, he returned to the studio, but it soon became clear that the songs naturally suited a bigger sound. Recorded in London and Dublin, the album “EXILE” (2013) featured several guest musicians, including on guitar, Garry Roberts from The Boomtown Rats. With a UK and US tour being imminent, Charlie formed ROLLINGEXILE to take the album on the road.

2017-19 saw ROLLINGEXILE completing several USA and European album tours promoting “HARDLINE” (2016), “REFLECTION” (EP, 2018) and “SHADOW HERO” (2019).

In 2022 the band recorded the fourth studio album “WEATHER CHANGE“. In September 2022. Weather Change has been toured in Europe and the US, in 2022 followed by further sucessful US and EU tours throughout 2023.

Best Live Music in the English Pub

Wenn du Live-Musik liebst, dann ist The Shakespeare Pub genau das Richtige für dich! Jeden Freitag [auch in der Woche, siehe Termine hier] stehen bei uns Live-Bands, Singer Songwriter jeder Art, auf der Bühne. Komm und genieße Live-Musik in einer entspannten, aber dennoch fröhlichen Atmosphäre mit Guten Biere und Leckerem Essen.

Der Shakespeare Pub ist die perfekte Live-Musik-Kneipe für deinen Wochenendausflug. Genieße Live-Unterhaltung und ein Abendessen mit Freunden oder mach es zu einem unvergesslichen Abend! Was du auch immer wählst, mach dich bereit für ein großartiges Live-Musik-Erlebnis.

Worauf wartest du also noch? Markiere deinen Kalender und komm zu uns ins The Shakespeare Pub für Live-Musik jeden Freitag- und Samstagabend. Bis bald!

Save the date – Live-Musik im Shakespeare Pub!

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+49 (0)2330 12676

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