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Event Series Event Series: Nick Passey & Aria Darling (USA)

Nick Passey & Aria Darling (USA)

Montag 28. November 2022 @ 19:30 22:00

Nick Passey & Aria Darling * Extra Concert: Mo. 21. & Di. 28. November
Nick Passey & Aria Darling * Extra Concert: Mo. 21. & Di. 28. November

Nick Passey & Aria Darling is an Americana-Folk Duo from Salt Lake City, Utah.

Extra concert!
Nick Passey & Aria Darling

Two Dates are planned in Herdecke due to problems in with cancellations and last minute planning changes this year! Unforgettable double show with Nick Passey & Aria Darling!

The pair harmonise vocals while Passey plays guitar and Darling plays mandolin.
In 2022, they released a live video of their single, “Don’t Know How I’m Feeling”.

Nick Passey & Aria Darling – “Don’t Know How I’m Feeling”

This performance showcases this pair’s dynamic and how they complement each other, providing the poignant undertones that the lyrics suggest. Their live set also lends itself to this soul-stirring mood, creating an atmosphere that keeps the audience transfixed, engaged, and in awe.

Nick Passey is a Folk singer-songwriter that has been passionately dedicated to the craft of music for most of his life.

Born into a family with generations of musicians he was introduced to music at a very young age by his mother, who was a voice teacher, giving him vocal lessons shortly after he began to form words. 

As an entertainer, Passey is able to connect to audiences with his humorous and heavy-hearted approach to life’s trials.

Nick Passey & Aria Darling – „Mothers little Helper“
Hauptstraße 38
Herdecke, 58313 Deutschland
02330 12676
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The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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