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Maria Moctezuma Band [Mexico]

Dienstag 28. Juni 2022 @ 19:30 22:00

Maria Moctezuma Band [Mexico]

Maria Moctezuma, composer and interpreter presents her new album Xmajaná with her band. They arrive from Mérida, Yucatan, the southern part of Mexico.

María Moctezuma plays guitar, pre-Hispanic instruments and accordion on stage, and is accompanied by her musicians.

  • Drummer: Roberto Soto
  • Bassist: Charles Fletcher
  • Showgirl: Marasau

„Raizoso Sound“

She is the creator of the „Raizoso Sound“ a mixture of Latin with pre-Hispanic rhythms and instruments, crossing over genres like cumbia, reggaeton, tango, and rock: the New Mexican Folklore.

The show will make the public get involved in a journey of contemporary Mexican magic and culture.

Get to know her music and enjoy her art on digital platforms:

Follow her on her concerts and adventures on:

Hauptstraße 38
Herdecke, 58313 Deutschland
02330 12676
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The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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