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Hugh O’Neill

Sonntag 28. August 2022 @ 18:00 20:00

INCHEQUIN / Son Kez / The Last Time – Official Music Video

Hugh O’Neill’ hat mit seiner Band Inchequin sieben Alben geschrieben und aufgenommen. Er tourte durch über 20 Länder.

Ursprünglich aus Irland, lebt er heute im sonnigen Klima Zyperns.

Mit „City on the Lagan“ schnupperte Hugh 1987 Chartluft.

Son Kez/ The Last Time war 2013 ein riesiger Hit in der Türkei und auch in Irland. Hugh trat in der Late late Show – RTE, CNN, BBC, BRT, Kanal 7 auf, um nur einige zu nennen.

Einen Einblick in sein Leben ist in Cup of Conversation auf seiner Website zu sehen.

Weitere Informationen findest du unter

Hugh O'Neill - Irish Musician and Singer-Songwriter.jpg
Hugh O’Neill – Irish Musician and Singer-Songwriter

Hugh O’Neill

Hugh O’Neill is a true Irishman born in Lurgan, County Armagh. He is a professional Musician and Singer Songwriter.

When the Sun goes down on Galway Bay

Hugh has produced seven albums and toured with his band in twenty countries, has appeared on the Late Late Show, RTE, CNN, -NTV, BRT2 to mention a few and his songs have been played regularly on BBC Radio.

Hugh O’Neill is co-writer of the hit song ‚Son Kez/The Last Time‘.


„Band on the Run“ is his first novel.

In 2008 Hugh left his native Ireland to live in Turkey and moved to Cyprus in 2017 where he lives with his partner Lena Allen.

Hauptstraße 38
Herdecke, 58313 Deutschland
02330 12676
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