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Best Live Music with Ted Russell Kamp

Montag 1. April 2024 @ 19:30 22:00

Best Live Music with Ted Russell Kamp
Best Live Music with Ted Russell Kamp

Live Music im The Shakespeare Pub jeden Freitag (und mehr)!

Ted Russell Kamp has been a professional singer songwriter, bass player, and producer for the last 20 years.

His music is a true and powerful American gumbo of rock and roll, blues, country and singer/songwriter styles.

Rolling Stone has called Kamp an “MVP of the California Roots Music scene”. Aside from being a singer/songwriter and artist in his own right and releasing 13 albums of original material, he has been a member of the Shooter Jennings band for over 15 years and has recorded and played with countless other artists including Duff McKagan, Wilson Phillips, Jessi Colter, Marilyn Manson and many more.

Ted also got his first Grammy in 2020 for playing bass on the Tanya Tucker record which won the Grammy for Country Music album of the year.

Ted’s record Down In The Den, came out in July 2020 was featured in Rolling Stone Country, American Songwriter and on the Sirius XM Outlaw channel and debuted at #1 on the EuroAmericana Radio chart.

New Album – California Son

Released March 22, 2024.


Seeking Comfort In Soulful New Music During These Hard Times


Solitaire is Kamp’s 13th full album release. It consists of 14 songs recorded mostly alone at home during the last 9 months of the lockdown. The songs and overall feel of the album have a more intimate and singer-songwriter quality. Kamp wanted them to sound more like solo performances, but with some extra spice added, reflecting the loneliness of being at home in quarantine: isolated from friends and the chance to play live. “I think it echoes what a lot of us have been going through this year; the loneliness and doubt as well as the day dreaming and not wanting to give up. I wanted to put these songs out there because we have all been going through similar things.”

Ted’s latest record Solitaire came out on May 7, 2021, received critical acclaim and also debuted at 1 on the Euro-Americana Radio Chart. 

Best Live Music in the English Pub

Wenn du Live-Musik liebst, dann ist The Shakespeare Pub genau das Richtige für dich! Jeden Freitag und Samstag [auch in der Woche, siehe Termine hier] stehen bei uns Live-Bands, Singer Songwriter jeder Art, auf der Bühne. Komm und genieße Live-Musik in einer entspannten, aber dennoch fröhlichen Atmosphäre mit Guten Biere und Leckerem Essen.

Der Shakespeare Pub ist die perfekte Live-Musik-Kneipe für deinen Wochenendausflug. Genieße Live-Unterhaltung und ein Abendessen mit Freunden oder mach es zu einem unvergesslichen Abend! Was du auch immer wählst, mach dich bereit für ein großartiges Live-Musik-Erlebnis.

Worauf wartest du also noch? Markiere deinen Kalender und komm zu uns ins The Shakespeare Pub für Live-Musik jeden Freitag- und Samstagabend. Bis bald!

Save the date – Live-Musik im Shakespeare Pub!

Free Eintritt Frei — es geht ein Hut für die Musiker rum.

+49 (0)2330 12676

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The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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