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Bertrand Rogers | Great Britain |

Samstag 23. April 2022 @ 19:30 22:00

Bertrand Rogers - Great Britain @yasmin.kko
Bertrand Rogers – Foto: @yasmin.kko

The lead vocalist of ILL TRIBE band, and a unique solo performer with more than 25 years career.

Whilst collaborating on two top ten hits with “Reverend and the Makers”, and playing British venues like Fabric, Glastonbury festival, Manchester Warehouse Project and Wembley stadium.

Bertrand also toured around the world, firstly as a percussionist, and then as a singer songwriter.

Now writing and releasing his own music,and employing a unique „upside down“ method of guitar, his voice conveys energy and emotion on a different level.

Currently living in between Montenegro and Ukraine.

Hauptstraße 38
Herdecke, 58313 Deutschland
02330 12676
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Denn Gesellschaft macht uns glücklich
— People need People.“

“Pubs are the communal living room.
We need these spaces for young and old.
People need People.”

The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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