Keeping Music 🎤 Live!

The Shakespeare Pub, Herdecke. Regelmäßig the Best Live Music, Tastings und andere Events.

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Donnerstag 21. April 2022 @ 19:30

+++ Tour cancelled +++
+++ due to illness +++

3Times7 - Live Music - Tour cancelled
3Times7 – Live Music – Tour cancelled

3Times7 are musicians connected through their love of soulful blues & roots music, they live and breathe it, from our travels around the States to the clothes they wear and the people they meet.

Having crafted their talents over years of performing and jamming together, 3Times7 is now lucky enough to perform all over the world, happiest live on stage or hammering out some dirty rhythm and blues in a dusty garage…

Hauptstraße 38
Herdecke, 58313 Deutschland
02330 12676
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Pubs bringen Menschen zusammen.
Ein offenes Wohnzimmer für Jung und Alt.
Denn Gesellschaft macht uns glücklich
— People need People.“

“Pubs are the communal living room.
We need these spaces for young and old.
People need People.”

The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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