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Euro 2024: Scotland vs Switzerland

Mittwoch 19. Juni 2024 @ 21:00 23:00

The Best Pub for Live Events in Herdecke Euro 2024 Scotland vs Switzerland Living-Room Viewing in The Pub
The Best Pub for Live Events in Herdecke
Euro 2024
Scotland vs Switzerland
Living-Room Viewing in The Pub

Come watch the Game live on the Big Screen!

Euro 2024 continues with Scotland vs Switzerland on Wednesday 19. June Watch 2024 European Football Live at The Shakespeare Pub.

There’s something special about shared memories at your local Pub: get your seat (early) and cheer along to every kick, tackle, and goal!

Euro 2024 Football: Living-Room Viewing in The Pub

That’s right — watch the Football action live on our Living room TV — European Football in your beautiful English pub in Herdecke, The Shakespeare. 

Nothing will be left on the bench, as you join the crowds with a hat-trick of Great Food, Cold drinks and Good friends.

+49 (0)2330 12676

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Pubs bringen Menschen zusammen.
Ein offenes Wohnzimmer für Jung und Alt.
Denn Gesellschaft macht uns glücklich
— People need People.“

“Pubs are the communal living room.
We need these spaces for young and old.
People need People.”

The Shakespeare · Pub · Herdecke

The Shakespeare Pub

The Shakespeare Pub

An English Pub in Herdecke

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